Hotels to remember: Campobasso
Campobasso: introduction

Campobasso, the principal city of Italy's Molise region, is the synthesis of two historic identities: the picturesque medieval center with its Monforte Castle, and the 19th century town inspired by the idea of the garden city. Thus, narrow streets, twisting stairways, courtyards and ancient portals alternate with green areas, large open squares, gardens and fountains.
Monforte Castle, dating back to 1459, dominates the historic center of the town, its dark, sturdy fortified walls expressing the defensive rather than residential purpose for which the building was first erected. The Church of SS. Trinità, which dates back to 1504, became the Cathedral of Campobasso in the 20th century. The building, with three naves and striking neoclassical facade is, without doubt, the most significant ecclesiastical edifice in the town.
Located right in the heart of Campobasso, the town park Villa De Capoa is a meticulously kept classical-style garden featuring shady, tree lined avenues, ornamental hedges and secret corners. Palazzo del Municipio and the Banca d'Italia are fine examples of 20th century urban architecture. The Palazzo del Municipio houses a statue of San Giorgio, patron saint of the city. A number of valuable artworks depicting the history of Molise hang in the salons of the Banca d'Italia.
The Sagra dei Misteri is the region's most important religious festival, when, during the Corpus Domini, the "Misteri", a series of curious wooden contraptions, are paraded through the town on the shoulders of the faithful.