Experiences & ideas for the weekend: Lazio

Food & Drink (Lazio) Food & Drink
Frascati, Rome's Wine Country
Just half an hour outside Rome, the Frascati wine country is an easy daytrip.

Wellness (Lombardy) Wellness
Water rituals
Italy's spa towns: a mini guide to the country's historic thermal stations.

Itineraries (Lazio) Itineraries
Divine revelations
From the Aniene river, the main influence on Tivoli's history, to the mountains of Sabina.

Itineraries (Lazio) Itineraries
Castelli Romani
From Frascati to Nemi, exploring the ancient summer residences of the noblemen of Rome

Itineraries (Lazio) Itineraries
Lakes, miracles and fairytales
Lake Bolsena and Lake Bracciano, the first and second largest crater lakes in Italy.

Itineraries (Lazio) Itineraries
In Lazio, tracing the Etruscans
From the ancient Caere to the city state of Vulci, from modern day Cerveteri to Tarquinia.

Itineraries (Lazio) Itineraries
Circeo and the Pontine islands
A national park created so as to protect the environment and the diverse landscapes within the Circeo

Itineraries (Lazio) Itineraries
Exploring the Eternal City
From the Roman Forum to the Vatican City, a fascinating journey through the historic center of Rome.

Nature (Umbria) Nature
Orcus and Proteus and Glaucus, Oh My!
Visiting the "Sacro Bosco" of Bomarzo's Parco dei Mostri

Art (Lazio) Art
Street Art in Italy
Some of Italy's most vibrant art is found just walking around the city...if you know where to look!

Shopping (Lazio) Shopping
Markets in Rome
Trendy trading spots and historic street markets in the Italian capital