5 places for perfect pizza in Naples!
The edible emblem of Naples? Pizza, of course! Here are five of the best places for a slice or pie.

The edible emblem of Naples? Pizza of course! Pizza made with tomato, mozzarella, extra virgin olive oil and basil and cooked in a wood-burning oven.
Whilst you'll find traditional Neapolitan pizza on the menu in restaurants throughout the Campagna region, including here on the island of Capri, there's nothing quite like a Margherita made in one of Naples' historic pizzerias.
That's why, after a day in the office, the Caprionline team can often be found heading across the water to enjoy a fragrant pizza on the mainland. Want to know where?
21 sons, 21 pizza chefs: for the Sorbillo boys, pizza is a family passion. You'll see customers queuing to enter Gino Sorbillo's pizzeria long before you see the restaurant and, in fact, you'll almost always have to wait to get a table. For many, the waiting is a fundamental part of the experience; amply rewarded by a generously sized, wonderfully light pizza . A great choice if you're in the area near to the Tribunali, and Piazza San Domenico Maggiore.
Via dei Tribunali 32, 80138 Napoli
Telephone +39 081 446643
Di Matteo
In the same area of the city as Sorbillo, Naples' Restaurant Di Matteo is famous for both its pizza and fried foods. Di Matteo has had the honor of serving any number of celebrities, including the American President Bill Clinton, during his visit to Naples for the 1997 G7. The restaurant's signature dish? The Ruota di Carro pizza: created for those with a seriously BIG appetite!
Di Matteo
Via dei Tribunali 94, 80138 Napoli
Telephone +39 081 455262
Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba
The name says it all: the Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba is the oldest pizzeria in Naples! In 1738, it was a meeting place for itinerant workers, a hundred years later, it was transformed into a tavern. Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba and its celebrity pizza chefs have been drawing crowds of pizza lovers ever since. Famous customers include King Ferdinand of Bourbon, Benedetto Croce, Salvatore Di Giacomo and Gabriele D'Annunzio.
Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba
Via Port'Alba 18, Napoli
Telephone +39 081 4421061
Da Michele
If you're a pizza fan, at least once in your life, you must have a pizza from Da Michele. Much loved by pizza fundamentalists, this tiny little restaurant only makes two varieties of pizza: Margherita and Marinara. Although Michele Condurro opened his first pizzeria in 1906, it was in 1930 that he moved to the current premises in Via Cesare Sersale. 5 generations of pizza chefs have learnt their art from Michele: the art of making amazing pizza with just a few, high quality ingredients and dough which has risen - to perfection!
Da Michele
Via Cesare Sersale 1, 80139 Napoli
Telephone +39 081 553 9204
Da Attilio
You can't get more traditional than this. Grandpa Attilio began selling pizzas cooked in his wood burning oven back in 1938. He passed the business (and all the secrets of pizza making) to his grandson. Today's menu includes the spectacular Pizza Carnevale, the rim of which is filled with ricotta! Oh, and don't worry if you see fellow customers drawing on the table cloths... it's normal here!
Da Attilio
Via Pignasecca 17, 80134 Napoli
Telephone +39 081 552 0479
Have you got a favorite pizzeria in Naples? We'd love to know which it is: leave a comment below.
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