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Insider guides

Because it is possible to combine art and nature: from here you can easily reach some of the most beautiful towns of Umbria as Todi and Spoleto or venture into trekking.

Walk in the countryside and in the history Hotel

Walk in the countryside and in the history

Between the Tiber Valley and Martani Mountains, crossing the ancient Via Flaminia you can see archaeological remains of the past and the frescoes of the Umbrian school.


The Cross in art and culture Hotel

The Cross in art and culture

Projects and itineraries in the churches of the diocese: the Cross as a symbol not only of faith but also interpreted by the culture and art.
Info: Museo Diocesano Todi

Tel. +39 075 8942443


Ristorante Gourmet Hotel

Ristorante Gourmet

Directed by the young chef Simon Ragni is the right place to eat typical Umbrian cuisine.

Tel. +39 075 889979
